Ommniverse Curators & Owners

Curator Fees

The foundation of NFT monetization in fractional is curator fees. When an NFT holder (the curator) brings an NFT to the platform and decides to split it, they can select a cost. This charge represents the yearly supply inflation of the NFT fractions that they block. This constantly leaks to the curator. With this payment, you can get regular returns that are a certain percentage of the trade factions' overall worth. This cost may be updated at any time by the curator. To avoid hyperinflation, the fractional government has put a ceiling on this value.

Increased Utility and Defi Legos

By assigning a portion of their fractions to others in any way they see fit, the curator of an NFT can lower their ownership of their NFT(s) while still claiming to control a portion of it. Creating a mechanism to obtain liquidity via third-party AMMs like SushiSwap or UniSwap, as well as organizing competitions or entertaining airdrops for particular audiences, are some options. The native Defi protocols in the current Defi ecosystem, such as AMM pools, lending platforms, and options protocols, can be used with NFTs by separating them into ERC20 tokens. The NFT holder now has access to a wide range of application cases.

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